We are Joining the Special Edition of ВаlRЕасt #Асtіоn іn сrіѕіѕ

21 May, 2020


The Deputy Mayor of Sofia for Digital Transformation, Innovation and Economic Development Vladimir Danailov will participate in the Pre-opening session: Macro Trend – Bulgaria and the Economic Challenges (9:00 – 09:45 a.m.) at the special edition of ВаlRЕасt 2020. Watch the live stream of the event on 16 June.

BalREAct – #Action in crisis will provide market players with an opportunity to analyze and share their views on key environmental drivers, models of response to the humanitarian, social, economic, financial and market challenges posed by the situation, as well as the important processes for optimizing the systemic risk, which already creates difficulties and uncertainty for the real estate industry.

The conference programme will include discussion sessions focused on the residential market, office space market and the future of workspaces, and more.



Macro environment: Scenarios, fiscal policies, interest rates, crisis response tools and liquidity provision. Governments, central banks and policies to restart economic life as a key factor for recovery.

Capital markets: How risky are the assets in real estate in time of global uncertainty and are trends expected to change in key markets? What are the prospects for the different market segments?

The epidemic affects the office space market in Bulgaria and in particular – Sofia. Models of reaction and adaptation.

Financing: Banks’ and investors’ point of view – expectations, financial instruments and credit restructuring models. What will happen to interest rates and funding requirements for real estate projects?

What will be the impact of the extraordinary market situation on the different segments of the real estate sector – residential, office space, shopping malls, hotels, logistics and industrial real estate?

How will the co-working sector respond to the risks imposed?

What are the features that provide stability and flexibility to the residential projects?

What are the main pillars of the residential market to deal with the emergency situation?

Force majeure, emergency situation and termination or renegotiation of contracts – expert view and models for dealing with specific legal cases in the industry.


Find out more about BalREаct – #Action in crisis 2020 here: en.balrec.bg

Registration is free of charge with a work email address here: balreact.gradat.events/en/register

Simultaneous translation will be provided by the organizers The City Media Group.

Contact The City Media Group to discuss all partnership possibilities for your company in BalREаct – #Action in crisis 2020 by:

E: events@thecitymedia.bg

T: +359 2 958 88 33