CESA 2020 Startup Nominations Are Now Open


The CESA (Central European Startup Awards) National Finale will be held for a 5th consecutive year in Bulgaria! This year it is the Bulgarian Startup Association (BESCO) hosting the event (BESCO).

The nominations are now open. Nominate yourself or a startup / ecosystem player in one or more of the following ten categories:

  • Startup of the Year
  • Best Newcomer
  • Founder of the Year
  • Best Social Impact Startup
  • Investor of the Year
  • Best Fintech Startup
  • Best Coworking Space
  • Best Accelerator/Incubator Program
  • Ecosystem Hero of the Year
  • Best Virtual Teamwork solution

Nominations are open until 31 August here.

You can nominate anyone, including yourself. The finalists will be announced on 12 October and will take part in the CESA Bulgaria National Finale to be held in Sofia in the middle of November. The winners will participate in the Regional Finals for Central and Eastern Europe at the beginning of December alongside the finalists from Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.