Sofia Is Now Part of Tech4Good Marketplace – the European Platform for Innovative and Sustainable Urban Solutions

2 March, 2021


Sofia is already part of Tech4Good Marketplace – the European digital platform showcasing innovative and sustainable technological urban solutions. The platform was presented during the 2nd ICC City Lab under the 100 Intelligent Cities project of the European Commission, which took place between 16-19 February. Sofia participated in the meeting together with 135 cities from the EU and the world.

Tech4Good Marketplace is currently in its beta version and includes the profiles of the first 25 European cities approved for inclusion, while another 37 applications are still being reviewed by the ICC program team. The application submitted by our team is among the first that have been approved and Sofia is already part of the platform. You can visit our city’s page herе.

n the following weeks, the platform will be expanded with the profiles and projects of more cities whose applications have been approved. To become part of the Tech4Good Marketplace, they need to show innovative and sustainable technological solutions (powered by artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analysis, etc.) and best business practices with a broad social, economic and environmental impact. The project aims to create a place where cities, being constant originators of solutions, can exchange tested and proven recommendations and solutions with other cities, and gather good practices, ongoing initiatives, and examples of validated and deployed solutions in one place

The inclusion of cities in the Tech4Good Marketplace due to already deployed solutions and implementation of good practices is only the first step. City administrations can proactively share any subsequently implemented initiative or locally implemented solutions in the European network and seek expert advice and new ideas from other ICC European cities.