IURC Organises a Series of Thematic Webinars on Various Urban Topics

9 November, 2021

The European Union’s IURC Asia & Australasia program is organising an interactive discussion series on Post COVID-19 Recovery. The team of “Digitalization, Innovation and Economic Development” (Innovative Sofia) received a special invitation to join the event.

IURC (International Urban & Regional Cooperation) recognises the need to discuss the implications of COVID by holding a series of regular discussion events on various urban topics, the first of which is – Mobility, followed by health, economics, education, environment and others.

The first webinar in the discussion series “The Post COVID-19 Recovery” is organized with the Urbanworks Institute and will focus on ways to restore public systems and non-motorized transport as a better means of transportation. Experts from India, Germany and Australia will answer specific questions and engage with participants as they discuss the challenges, demonstrating best practices for inclusive recovery and urban policies reproduction promotion.

The aim is to discuss urban challenges, to demonstrate best practices from / for cities for inclusive recovery from COVID-19, to promote reproduction and to strengthen the regional / global approach of the IURC. The series is open to government officials, politicians, planners, researchers, academics, NGOs, students and other stakeholders.

Public transport was severely damaged during the pandemic. An illustrative example is the Delhi metro, which reports that the average daily traffic for 2020-21 was only about 18% of the volume registered in 2019-2020. Similarly, there is a decline in other public transport around the world while the use of private vehicles is increasing.

You can register for the event for free here.